Thursday, July 7, 2011


i didn't post that. Or at least, I dont remember posting that. Whatever the case, i changed the password on my account to be sure. I'm worried that theres someone out there who knows about me or some 'proxy' thing, although Im not sure about those people or their motives. I think maybe it's just crazy fucks who think they're serving a greater cause by 'joining' Slenderman or whatever the hell that means. I dont think Slenderman can take over people, personally. It just doesnt seem....right.

regardless...we'll see how things go these next few days. Carol's been staying over because shes understandably worried bout me, and every day I grow more and more ready to tell her about all this. She already knows something is's only a matter of time before i blow my cover, like get drunk and fuckin tell her or something. lol I also like how this blog has become so dead serious and now its all about my feelings and thoughts even though this is something I never wanted to do in the first place. lol

In Slender news, Ive seen the children more andmore kind of scares me. I woke up in my bed the other day and there were...actually children standing there. At least 10 of them, staring at me with blank expressions and white faces. Does it have to do with that post about the children and Father Dearest? maybe. Im not smart or informed enough to know. by extension I've seen Slenderman a lot more lately along with them, though not when they are in my bedroom strangely enough. he appears standing in all sorts of places, watching children, just standing there staring.

I really wish there was some way of getting out of this. But Im not giving up just because my life isnt going as planned. No, that isn't how I live my life and just because Slenderp is around doesnt mean I'm going to give him what he wants and ruin myself. I will survive. I am woman, hear me roar!! Other cheesy song refference! XD

So yeah. I know no one is reading, but adios!


  1. Keeping her around isn't a good idea. You're going to put her in danger by keeping her around, but...

    It's too late now, isn't it? You're both going to get sucked into it at this rate. If something happens to you, no doubt she'll find the blog, and from there...

    It's not a pretty situation is it?

    I'm sorry for your loss, June. From one month to another, believe me when I say a lot of us have experienced the same thing.

    And June...

    Don't stick around. Staying still is the worse thing you can do - aside from fighting it, that is. If you're determined to keep Carol safe, tell her you're moving on. Need to get out of the city; of the state, even. But know that keeping her around and staying where you are can't end well.

    And most of all, good luck.

    You'll need it.

  2. Im sorry to sound rude but I cant leave this place. I refuse to. Even if I dont tell anyone about this and end up fending it off alone, I wont bow to that thing and let it move me away from my home. This place is so beutiful and special to me...I wont let him run me out and run my life.

    Still thanks for the well wishes August. I appreciate it. :)
